Having just gotten a cello bow, I was eager to use it in a composition and this was the piece. I did mainly long overlaid drones with some melodical movement in one section.
Also some whammy pedal action near the end that gives the air-raid kind of a siren sound.
After the intro bowing section the Stick has a part with a bitcrusher effect that gives this geiger-countery-radioactive sound.

For the synth the aim was to create a part where one could just tweak the filter and resonance knobs. So I used some arpeggiated chords in the second half of the piece.
Holding just a couple of notes the arpeggiator did the rest.

With the Stick I play arpeggios in Felix Martin style, although in a much modest way. The last 2 bars are a variation that I only play live.

A video of me playing the arpeggios slow and fast.
Listen to the full piece: