This is my version of the excellent ending section of Opeth's "Dirge for November". It's my first attempt at adapting a solo guitar piece for the Stick. Usually I've tried to arrange material with multiple instruments, but with this piece I found that sometimes one is enough. The guitar range fits the Stick nicely, but [...]
Malleus Meloficarum

This track started in the end of spring from polymetric experiments with a synth-sequencer phone app. Then I arranged the main idea for the Stick and began composing the full piece around that. Later the initial synth sounds were replaced for the most part though. At first it seemed that this time the process will [...]
Agregaator Finished!

Last November I released a video of Agregaator intro riffs. After that I've been busy working on the full track. Agregaator started from an idea that I had recorded while experimenting sticking various objects between Stick strings. The main idea is prominent at various places in the piece: among othes, right at the start played [...]
Agregaator Intro Riffs Video

Chapman Stick as an instrument is divided into two sides with different tunings. With this track I'm trying to reunite the sides by freely crossing over from one side of the instrument to the other. The sides are processed separately with identical effect chains, blending cleaner sound with the distorted. This allows to play distorted [...]
New track: Sliced and Prepared

Initially I wasn't even trying to compose, I was just experimenting with preparing the Chapman Stick with various items that I found around the house and could fit under the strings. There were rubber and plastic tubes, springs, cable-ties, sheet metal, magnets, felt etc. Listening to the recordings next day, I felt that some of [...]
Projektorn at Hard Rock Laager 2023

We had a great opportunity to play live at the HRL festival in Vana Vigala. Leading up to the day of the performance, there was a rigorous period of preparation. At Vana Vigala the weather was wonderful, audience enthusiastic and sound excellent.Among the usual setlist was a new track "Delayed Gratification". Photo: Erlend Štaub Photo: [...]
Tycho – Awake (Chapman Stick Cover)

This is my attempt at playing my all time favourite song from Tycho on the Chapman Stick.It's a minimal arrangement with just the Stick and drums, with a bit of help from 16th note delay. The original:
Topufall Arpeggios

I started this song during the summer vacation on a laptop with, using a limited selection of plugins and a computer keyboard. Later during the fall at my home studio it kept growing and eventually I got to recording the Stick parts as well. The middle long-note melodies are the Stick with e-bow and additional [...]
Delayed Gratification Etude

I've always been drawn to rhythms that have you tapping your head with one hand and rubbing your belly with the other. Here's I'm doing just that with 5/8 in one hand and 6/8 in the other. With a little help from the delay for tremolo-tapping the 16ths.
Slayer on the Chapman Stick

Had a go playing a riff from one of my favourite Slayer albums: Divine Intervention.I think this arrangement fits the Chapman Stick really well.Drums are made with Superior 3.