The main aim of the piece was to use polyrhythms. I first got the itch to do it in a minimal form, while listening to the The Dawn of MIDI “Dysnomia” album. But one thing led to another and I was again veering towards more elaborate.
The polyrhythmic interplay between drums and and other instruments starts right after the piano intro. The kick has 5, sidestick 6 and hi-hat 3. Bass follows the kick, piano plays in sync with the hi-hat, but only every other note.

The piano intro melody consists of long even notes. It starts with chromatic ascending core and expands it going by semitone in both directions.
Later the Stick joins the piano melody in unison while keeping the 3 percussively in bass.

In the “chorus” section Stick has 4 in the bass and 3 in melody the first half and the other way around in the second half.
Here is the middle of the chorus that shows both patterns.

Listen to the full song: